Interview with Caz on Her Upcoming Workshop
This land-survey workshop that Caz is offering, promises to be a hands-on learning experience for anyone interested in getting the most out of their land, with practical skills that apply across various scales of land management. Read below the conversation I had with Caz, to help know what to expect on the day.

Heather: Hi Caz, Thank you for taking the time to chat with me this morning! I am keen to know more about your workshop coming up. I know you have loads of experience in this area. Let's start with diving in with the asking you how and why a land survey can be so important?
Caz: Of course! Whether you're planning a garden, a smallholding or managing a large-scale farm, understanding your land is crucial. It's about having skills such as how to understand the soil type, climate, exposure to elements... But it's not just about the land; it's also about the people using it and their needs. Someone might want to grow cauliflowers or graze sheep—whatever the case, matching the land's characteristics with the user's needs is key to a successful design.
Heather: What will people learn in your workshop?
Caz: We're focusing on the land survey aspects, rather than surveying people's needs for the land—really seeing the land for what it is. This includes skills like online land research, conducting soil surveys, measuring slopes with tools. You will learn how to use a bunyip. We’ll teach you how to record your found information on a map.
Heather: I can't claim to have heard of a bunyip.
Caz: I hadn't heard of one either, until I had. It's a low-tech method to measure slopes on the land. Really useful and easy when you know how!
Heather: Earlier, you mentioned the 'person part' of the survey. What does that involve, and how can people explore it further outside of your workshop?
Caz: Both parts of these surveys are based on Permaculture Design principles, which start with understanding the needs and desires of the person or community using the land. There are loads and really great Permaculture courses and resources like Jasmine Dale's Permaculture Design Workbook. We’re also planning an introduction to Permaculture design principles with Patch of the Planet. This will be happening in September, stay tuned via the Newsletter on our Facebook page to hear when the tickets for this become available.
Heather: Who would benefit most from this workshop?
Caz: It’s for anyone who wants to work with land. Smallholders, farmers, and gardeners. Whether you already own land and are keen to understand it more or are considering a purchase. It’s also an excellent starting point for community garden projects. Understanding your land is the first step in any land-based project.
Heather: Can you give an overview of the desk-based resources and skills that will be covered?
Caz: Sure! This is what the day will start with. We will start inside the Canolfan Clydau. Everyone can have a cuppa while we go through this part. We'll explore how to use online resources, like weather stations to better understand local climate factors like wind and rain. We'll also look at how to predict sun and shade and how underlying bedrock can effect your soil and determine what can thrive on your land. We will also show you on how to access and use maps effectively for planning and site visits.
Heather: All of this sounds like a great workshop, Caz. I am going to stop pummulling you with questions now, and leave some info to be revealed on the day.One last question before I go - Do attendees need to bring anything specific to the workshop?
Caz: No particular tools needed, there’s no need for laptops; I’ll have a projector set up for the morning. Bring a notebook, so you can scribble down all of your answers. Bring a raincoat if you are a pessimist (realist?) and sunscreen if you are an optimist. And of course, bring your questions and enthusiasm!

If you have any questions about this workshop, then contact Caz directly ~ . Or read more on the booking page.
This land survey workshop is part of a series of workshops, offered by Hwb D'ysgur. This Hwb Dysgu'r Tir project has received £81,351 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund
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