Useful Links:
There is a fun design tool that enables you to plant trees and watch them grow over 20 years. I used it to create the plan on the leaflet, if you would like to plot your design and see how it grows then download the file below.
When you open the design tool there is a button that says Load click on this then select the file and start planting virtual trees. You can try different packs and types of planting. You could send your favourite design back as a file or PDF attached to an email.
Descriptions of Welsh fruit varieties, including “pig aderyn” from StDogmaels. Sadly out of stock this year but we could pre-order for next year or try to source elsewhere.
British native trees, their uses and identification including a helpful ID ap.
British trees including exotics that grow well in the UK.
Everything that you ever wanted to know about hedges; planting, management and wildlife benefits: Hedgelink
Advice on planting and a video about mycorrhizae.
An amazing resource from Plants For A Future detailing over 7000 plants, their many uses and how and where to grow them.
Although we are offering “Trees for Tegryn” we would be happy to include ground cover plants and bushes in the public spaces, especially in the bed in front of Canolfan Clydau, or where you may want to keep a view open.