Reports from Cwm Arian's funded projects.
The CLEAN Afon Nyfer project (Catchment Level Environmental Action Network) worked with local people to monitor water quality and invasive species, then come together to learn more and discuss the issues.
See below the publications of our baseline data in 2 reports and are starting to understand which areas are most heavily impacted.

GBC, the original CARE project after setting up the wind turbine.
Running between March 2020-March 2023 in North-East Pembrokeshire from the uplands to the sea, offering opportunities for people and nature to thrive.
See the reports below to see all that the project achieved.
An overview of the Growing Better Connections project from March 2020 to September 2020. A detailed report highlighting project progress and development
Evaluation Overview - Year One March 2020 till February 2021. A detailed report with case studies, summaries of interventions and how the project's broader aims were met.
Info-graphic detailing GBC's achievements by the half way point. Project statistics, quotes from participants and details about project offshoots.
Info-graphic detailing GBC's achievements by the end of the second year. Project statistics, quotes from participants and plans for the future.
This report is a co-production of the GBC team and an external evaluator, it draws on feedback from 200+ event participants, stakeholders, project films, social media interactions and staff members' evaluation reports.
Frenni Fawr A Forgotten Oak Woodland Patch, a report by the Frenni Fawr Research Group compiled as a supporting document for the Ancient Woodland Inventory Enquiry Form submitted to NRW.
Enquiry Form submitted to NRW by the Frenni Fawr Research Group, to determine whether the Oak Woodland present of the Frenni Fawr could achieve 'Ancient Woodland' status, for inclusion on the Ancient Woodland Register.
NRW's decision letter, detailing why the submission unsuccessful.
PSESS have published a research report which summarises the pros and cons of various strategies to mobilise people to change their energy behaviours at home, and which gives insight into the most crucial points to consider when designing a strategy.
Click the images below to access the report and associated detailed data.